Monday, August 26, 2019

Aristotle and Kant on Ethical Theory and Practice Essay

Aristotle and Kant on Ethical Theory and Practice - Essay Example On the other hand, relativists believe that ethics is a human invention and that â€Å"all ethical standards are relative† hence there are â€Å"no permanent, universal, objective values or standards† (Mizzoni 11, 191). LeBar asserts that individual people create own moral standards and that these standards change from society to society throughout time and the world (185). This is what is often referred as cultural relativism. Kant is strong objectivists as he emphasises that ethical duties are absolute and categorical while Aristotle insists that human beings are rational and moral virtue is developed through habit. He is thus a relativist. I would argue in favour of Aristotle that ethical standards vary with contexts, individuals and societies. Consider such practices as polygamy, homosexuality, and female genital mutilation. Are these practices right or wrong? If we look at polygamy it is a norm in some communities especially African communities but not acceptable in western communities. Some individuals view homosexuality as right while others consider it wrong depending on their religious inclinations and personal values. For genital mutilation, it was often practiced by early communities but in modern communities it is considered wrong even though some communities still practice it. How are these actions to be judged? By which ethical standards? If we argue that ethical standards are universal and applicable to all regardless of their opinion or beliefs then it would mean all these practices are wrong but this is not the case; they are right in some societies and wrong in others. This supports Aristotle’s view that moral virtue is developed by habits (Moral Philosophy n.p). In this case, good habits form the bui lding blocks of good moral character and that man has power to control his own actions since he is rational. They then reflect on these actions and perfect them if they are good but in the process, they must have a good role model

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